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How many people does it take to put up the Monarch Blind?Our instructions recommend two to three people, but such is strictly for safety reasons. If building as a 10-foot tower blind, you'll definitely want two or three people. If building as a 5-foot tower blind, you'll be fine with just two people. Note: This blind can be setup with either a 5' or 10' tower using the same parts. As a 5' setup, you will have extra parts that need properly stored following the construction of the blind. #assembly #monarch #softshell #softside #peopleneeded
How do I get replacement parts for the Monarch Blind?If you need replacement parts or are missing parts to your Monarch Blind System (soft-shell), email us at (subject line filled out for your convenience) and describe which parts (part # and part name) and quantities that you are in need of or missing. Seasonly delays or supply chain disruptions may occur. #monarch #broken #missing #replacement #parts
May I purchase a replacement Monarch Blind cover?Yes. You may purchase a replacement cover. When such is in-stock, you may find it listed here at the link: Replacement Monarch Blind Covers We also offer an upgrade in a replacement cover, which will also be available at the link above. The upgrade cover is a solid light brown cover (no camouflage) with the same waterproofing, insulation, and zipper system as the camouflage covers. #monarch #replacementcovers #replacement #cover #monarchcover
Can I leave my Monarch Blind out all year long?You may do whatever you wish with your blind. However, we do recommend taking the padded flooring and soft-shell cover in at the end of the hunting season to store inside and away from mice/rodents. We recommend folding such tightly and putting it into a large rubbermaid-like container to keep air and dust off of it. This will greatly help the cover and flooring last longer. We do sell replacement parts and replacement covers if you are in need. #monarch #blind #storage #allyearlong #seasonal #makeitlast #cover #flooring
How many people does it take to put up the Monarch X Blind?Our instructions recommend three to four people, but such is strictly for safety reasons. If building as a 10-foot tower blind, you'll definitely want three or four people. If building as a 5-foot tower blind, you'll be fine with just two to three people. Note: This blind can be setup with either a 5' or 10' tower using the same parts. As a 5' setup, you will have extra parts that need properly stored following the construction of the blind. #assembly #monarchx #hardshell #hardside #peopleneeded #hard #shell #side #box
How do I get replacement parts for the Monarch X Blind?If you need replacement parts or are missing parts to your Monarch X Blind System (hard-shell), email us at (subject line filled out for your convenience) and describe which parts (part # and part name) and quantities that you are in need of or missing. Seasonly delays or supply chain disruptions may occur. #monarchx #broken #missing #replacement #parts
Can I leave my Monarch X Blind out all year long?You may do whatever you wish with your blind. It is built to last, but Mother Nature can be cruel. We do recommend bringing your Monarch X Blind inside during the off-season if possible. We do sell replacement parts if you are in need of such. #monarchx #blind #storage #allyearlong #seasonal #makeitlast #hardshell
How do I setup the M-COR Cellular Camera out of the box?NOTE: BEFORE PROCEEDING INTO THE BELOW PHYSICAL STEPS, ACTIVATE YOUR CAMERA! CAMERA ACTIVATION: 1. Download the Scoutek App via your phone's app store 2. Create and Log into your Account via the Scoutek app 3. Click 'Register New Camera' in the Scoutek app (Main Page & 'My Account' Page) 4. Register New Camera via QR Code scan & follow prompts - Follow prompts to fully activate camera 5. Select your desired Cellular Service Data Plan & checkout - Upon checking out with the Data Plan, your camera is now activated PHYSICAL CAMERA SETUP: 1. Put 8 x AA Batteries (Lithium recommended) into the battery rack. 2. Put an empty/clean full-size SD Card (32GB recommended) into the SD slot. 3. Attach the antenna to the camera, tightening by hand only without overtightening. 4. Slide camera power switch from center (OFF) to bottom (Offline). 5. Click and hold the push button near the power switch and hold for 10 seconds until lights go out. This is to format the SD card. (Newer app version may format card for you automatically, skip to Step 6.) 6. Move power switch from bottom (Offline) back to center (OFF). 7. Move power switch from center (OFF) to top (Online). 8. The top light is the 'battery life' (should be green) - It will flash and then turn solid, going to the next light (Step 9.) 9. The middle light is the 'cell service signal strength' (green, yellow, red) - It will flash and then turn solid, going to the next light (Step 10.) 10. The bottom light is the 'fully connected' light (should be green) that shows that the camera is properly activated and connected with the Scoutek app. 11. Upon all three lights flashing and going solid independently, the lights will all go out at the same time... your camera is now ONLINE and armed for capturing motion. #mcor #setup #activation #registeration #camerasetup
What are the best batteries to use in my M-COR?PLEASE USE BRAND NEW LITHIUM AA BATTERIES! (Check the production/packaging date on package to make sure that those batteries are not older than 2 years from the date of purchase if possible. However, lithiums should have solid shelf life normally, estimated at 5-10 years.) Alkaline batteries can work fine, but just know that they do not have the carrying capacity to truly support any cellular camera for much length of time. Llithium batteries are always the recommended internal power source, however, we highly recommend using an external power source together with internal batteries, like a solar panel or external battery pack. Your User Manual should show you what options are acceptable with the M-COR. The Radix Solar Panel can be seen and purchased here at this link when available for sale starting in early 2022: Radix Hunting Solar Panel Please note, no matter what brand of batteries you purchase and use, there is always a possibility of a "bad batch" of batteries. Please keep extra on hand just in case. #mcor #batteries #lithiums #alkaline #batterylife #battery #life #power #consumption
What is the best SD card to use in my M-COR?We recommend a Class-10 SanDisk Ultra 32GB SDHC I Card with write speeds of 100mb/s. We do try to have these cards or comparibles in stock during peak cell/trail camera season, and they can be found here. NOTE: Never use a Class 4 or lower SD card in a camera. The subpar cards can actually damage a cellular camera. #mcor #sd #card #sdcard #memory #card #memorycard
What is the best way to place my M-COR for great photos or videos?1. Select an open area with plenty of sunlight and with a deep backdrop (20yds behind target area or more) 2. On a Stic-N-Pic ground mount or tree mount that allows for maximum customization of the angles and height. 3. About 3' off of level ground and 5-7 steps from target. 4. Image/Video frame will have horizon line just above the middle of the frame 5. Facing opposite of the sun (North is preferred) 6. Well-lit area (field, food plot, etc.) 7. Scrape, mineral site, bait site, fence crossing, etc., wherever you will get that deer to hopefully stop and look toward the camera. #mcor #camera #placement #setup #great #photos #vidoes #photography
Why is my M-COR not sending photos/videos to me in the app?There are many, many different reasons as to why a cellular camera is presently not sending photos or videos. Most all of the reasons come back to the user and their physical interaction with the camera. Highlighted below are a few basic things to check off the list first before getting into more specific reasons. Most of these reasons will require you to return to your camera to either reboot the camera or fix the issue by other means. BASIC REASONS: 1. Dead / Weak Batteries 2. No Cell Signal / Very Weak Cell Signal (at camera; constantly varies) 3. Camera is turned OFF SPECIFIC REASONS: 1. Faulty SD Card (formatting issue; bottom of 3 internal lights will be red) - Needs a new Class-10 SD card if unable to format via Scoutek app or in-person 2. Full SD Card (overwrite turned OFF) - Needs formatted via Scoutek app, or in-person if unable to do so via app 3. Incorrect Camera Settings (Review User Manual) - Upload Interval (check rate), Trigger Delay (at least 1 sec), Operating Hours (check rate) 4. Overloaded Camera Commands (various) - > My Cameras > Action History (drop down) > Shows at least one pending action... > Cancel all pending & try one action at a time 5. App being down for maintenance - Periodic maitenance will be performed, please wait & refresh your app 6. Cell tower or service down for maintenance - Carriers usually don't notify the public of this, check phone signal strength if nearby camera 7. Other (requires diagnostics/testing) If you have gone through all of the above options and addressed such, you should then reach out to Scoutek via emailing #not #sending #photos #vidoes #notsending #mcor #photosnotinapp #camera #stopped #sending #photos #videos #camerastoppedsending
Why is my M-COR taking pictures/videos non-stop?Photo Mode: To determine whether or not your camera is in a rapid-fire mode or run-a-way mode is by the volume of photos over a small amount of time without any stopping. Your camera will continue to take photos without hesitation and in disregard for your Trigger Delay setting. To determine whether or not your camera is in a rapid-fire mode or run-a-way mode is by seeing the videos on a large screen (computer or laptop) and seeing if there is any movement such as limbs/brush/foilage/leaves/birds/bugs/wind moving or the object the camera is attached to is moving due to wind gusts. -If you can identify that the camera is being triggered by some type of movement or motion, you do NOT have a runaway camera. -If you can identify that the camera is truly not being triggered by any movement or motion, you MIGHT have a runaway camera... What is the next step if the camera is not actually being triggered by movement or motion of some variety? - You need to identify if your camera is able to be "unstuck" from this rapid-fire or run-a-way mode. A physical, full manual reboot is required. Power it to OFF (Center), remove a battery, wait one minute, put battery back in, change SD cards, and power to OFFLINE (Bottom), and click and hold the sole button by the power switch until the lights blink, go solid, and turn off. This reformats the new SD card you just put in. Then, power it to ONLINE (top), wait for the three lights go solid (top & bottom lights must be green, center light can be any color). Then, set the camera up to test if sending photos to your phone via the Scoutek app. - If the camera does SEND photos/videos, we want to see if it seems to be triggering just on motion/movement or if it is still rapid-firing. This may stake several minutes to determine. -If determined that this seems to have solved the issue, please go ahead and move your camera back into the desired location and position. - If determined that this seems to NOT have solved the issue, power the camera to OFF (Center), and take it home with you. Proceed to the below infortmation. ––––– Photo Mode: To determine whether or not your camera is in a rapid-fire mode or run-a-way mode is by the volume of photos over a small amount of time without any stopping. Your camera will continue to take photos without hesitation and in disregard for your Trigger Delay setting. To determine whether or not your camera is in a rapid-fire mode or run-a-way mode is by seeing the videos on a large screen (computer or laptop) and seeing if there is any movement such as limbs/brush/foilage/leaves/birds/bugs/wind moving or the object the camera is attached to is moving due to wind gusts. -If you can identify that the camera is being triggered by some type of movement or motion, you do NOT have a runaway camera. -If you can identify that the camera is truly not being triggered by any movement or motion, you MIGHT have a runaway camera... What is the next step if the camera is not actually being triggered by movement or motion of some variety? The only temporary solution for this is to 'Suspend' service in the 'My Account' portion of the app under that specific camera. This will not stop the camera from taking photos/videos. This will only stop the cellular transmission (sending) of the photos/videos. When you are able to, physically retrieve the camera unit and immediately power it OFF (Center). Remove the SD card and check it inside of a viewing device (phone, tablet, laptop, computer). If your camera is truly a run-a-way camera, you'll probably have thousands of photos per day. If it is only 100 +/-, you have a faulty PIR sensor (motion/heat sensor). The next step would be to send Radix Hunting this 'Support Form' linked by clicking here. After sending in this form, Radix Hunting will be in contact with you regarding the Return Authorization Form for you to fill out regarding this camera unit. You'll send the RAF back with your camera via USPS following the instructions on the RAF. This camera will be sent back to Scoutek (NOT RADIX HUNTING). NOTE: Shipping of any product back to Scoutek is done so at the buyer's expense unless noted in writing elsewhere. Hopefully, Scoutek will be able to fix the camera or it will be replaced under the 1-Year M-COR Cellular Camera Warranty as disclosed in the User Manual. #runaway #rapidfire #rapid #fire #nonstop #mcor
INSTANT COMMANDS: Request a Photo/VideoCan you request a photo or video from your camera at any time? Yes. However, there are some things to keep in mind here regarding this camera and how it functions. When a camera does a capture (photo/video) and starts to send that file out to the server to then be redirected to your app, the camera won't rearm and capture until the file has left its possession. Once the file is sent, it will rearm. While a camera has a pending action in the 'Action History' log, the camera won't be able to do another request until the first one or prior one finished (chronological order of operations). Cell signal, battery life, and file size will dictate the speed of which the file is sent out from the camera to the server. If your request shows pending for more than 30 minutes, go into your 'Action History' and cancel the pending action(s). Please only request one file at a time, and wait for that to complete before doing it again. This is NOT a 'LIVE' feature where you stream it to your phone/app. If you have problems requesting an Instant capture opposite of the current function 'Mode' that you have the camera operating under, you can cancel that action in the 'Action History' log, update your settings to the other 'Mode' (wait until complete), and then request the originally desired instant capture: Example: From Photo Mode, Request Video (change to video mode) Example: From Video Mode, Request Photo (change to photo mode) #instant #command #instantcommand #instantphoto #instantvideo #demandphoto #demandvideo #request
How do I setup the camera to do video properly?Turn your settings to the following in the Scoutek app: - UPLOAD INTERVAL: Real Time - MODE: Turn from 'Photo Mode' to 'Video Mode' - Video Length: 10 secs or less - unless connected to external power - Video Frequency: 60Hz - Trigger Delay: 0 min 1 sec - Trigger Sensitivity: Medium - IR Flash Range: High - All other setting topics irrelevant PLEASE NOTE: The larger the video is in seconds the larger the video file size will be. The larger the video size is the longer it will take to send (also, cell signal will influence this). The longer it takes to send the longer it will take to rearm the camera for the next capture. If you are in orange or red cell signal, please consider keeping your camera in photo mode for more optimum results. Yet, you can do whatever you wish. #video #settings #videosettings #mcor #cell #camera
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